martes, 15 de septiembre de 2015

Who am I?

Jorge Muñoz Barrera

The Beginning
 It was a fair winter dawn on the 30th day of August when I was born with my brother in a little town near to Santiago, Melipilla known as The Shire for me and the rest of the hobbits, that I usually call my family...

I studied in two schools and I finished  the high school in 2013. I began to study civil engineering in Usach  but it was not what I expected. So this year I changed to study veterinary  medicine in Universidad  de Chile and I travel to Santiago (Mordor) everyday, because I really don't wanna let the beautiful place where I live, even if it is strenuous

And what else about me?

Well, I 'm a little shy and I don't have a lot of friends 'cause I prefer to watch a movie or read something interesting , hear music like Radiohead, even play a videogame before going out with my friends

I have two brothers. Juan Pablo, 8 years older than me and my twin brother called Ivan

Birds are my favorite animals, specially ducks and owls so I would like to specialize in this kind of creatures and being a good ornithologist. Also I like trees and forest,  cause I grew up in a place with all of this.

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