martes, 29 de septiembre de 2015

A country I would like to visit


I would like to travel to Spain because I like its multiculturalism, its medieval things, people and costums.
Spain has a lot of tourist places well kwon like the Temple of Sagrada familia in Barcelona , besides it has a lot of forest and castles like the Almansa Castle that I excited to know.

In Spain I would like to participate in a nacional activity like tomatina celebrated in Valencia where people throws tomatoes each other, but I won't participate in the festival of sanfermin because I'm against the killing of bulls.
I like Spain but I don't wanna work there because the country has a high rate of unemployment, so I just would visit it for a few months with my family or friends.

Sincerely I don't know a lot of Spain so I dont know what continue writing, principally  I like its geography and people

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

Some opinions

What is my opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?

I complety agree with abortion only in some cases. Raped women should have the possibilty to choose between give birth or not. I hate ''christian'' people that is against with the abortion in theses cases, I convinced that if they have a raped daugther they will be thinking about it twice

What do I think about recycling?

Recygling is the best way to conserve our planet, avoid massive extinction of animals and changing climates. We should be able  to understand that the planet is not ours and we need to take conscience of  the consequences

What do I think about smarthphones?

They are useful in many ways until your knowledge depend on one of them, smarthphones make idiot people

What is my opinion about legalizing marijuana?

I really don't care, but if it is legalized should create laws about, how much, when and where is possible to consume marijuana

What do I think about fortune telling?
I'm very sceptical, I don't believe in fortune telling, ghosts, life after death including god. I think it make me courageous in real life

martes, 15 de septiembre de 2015

Who am I?

Jorge Muñoz Barrera

The Beginning
 It was a fair winter dawn on the 30th day of August when I was born with my brother in a little town near to Santiago, Melipilla known as The Shire for me and the rest of the hobbits, that I usually call my family...

I studied in two schools and I finished  the high school in 2013. I began to study civil engineering in Usach  but it was not what I expected. So this year I changed to study veterinary  medicine in Universidad  de Chile and I travel to Santiago (Mordor) everyday, because I really don't wanna let the beautiful place where I live, even if it is strenuous

And what else about me?

Well, I 'm a little shy and I don't have a lot of friends 'cause I prefer to watch a movie or read something interesting , hear music like Radiohead, even play a videogame before going out with my friends

I have two brothers. Juan Pablo, 8 years older than me and my twin brother called Ivan

Birds are my favorite animals, specially ducks and owls so I would like to specialize in this kind of creatures and being a good ornithologist. Also I like trees and forest,  cause I grew up in a place with all of this.