martes, 24 de noviembre de 2015

A photograph I like

I prefer this photograph because shows my brother and me when we were about six years old. It was taken by my mother at my old school where both studied and played. We were in the same school year because we are twin brothers but in different class because my mother thought that we would fight for marks. I have good memories of that school, I meet a lot of people and made good friends and obviously I learnt the basic things in life. At school we did not play together because we had different friends and play times, it separated us a little bit and the fact that I had best marks.

I really like because we look brotherly and innocent, things that with the past of the years have unfortunately gone. At the same time it remembers me all the spend time playing in the yard of my old house with my cousins 

domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2015

My life timeline

I was born  the 30th of August in Melipilla with my twin brother, a day after my grandfather died

My grandmother died, I loved her too much but I didn't know what  really happened to dead people so I don't remember crying 

I grew up in a place with a lot of animals that I cared, so I became vegetarian because I didn't like the way people treat with them. In 
2012 I became vegan but I ceased to be in 2014 for health problems not associated with the lifestyle I had 

I moved with my mother and brothers because I lived a big part of my life with my uncle's family    

I changed to a new school because my old school was far away, so I forgot and stopped seeing many people 

2015 I entry to study veterinary medicine at Universidad de Chile

martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

National geographic: photography section

Here we can see the ‘’law of the jungle’’ where the most adapted animals survive, in this case the poor mouse probably died by an owl for stay in the white snow being a little black point in this. The owl is beautiful, its cold and yellow eyes, its flight and brown-white plumage make this photo special and hard to retake. 
I like this photography because it shows you other angle of the sea assasin, the angle where you see the inner of the beast and this image is enough to get ideas about how  painful would be there.  Its sharp tooths are scary and make you wanna run away quickly and its mouth is so big that you think two people can fit there together without problem.

One of the most amazing thing of the nature is the big diversity of animals species, everyone with surprising modifications to survive in their habitat. This fish, the Macropinna microstoma has a transparent head, we can see the inner of it, its eyes are the green balls inside the head and its nose are the two holes over the mouth. In my opinion this would be the most strange animal I have ever seen.

I don't know if this video is real but I like too much. The chamelon can change the color of its body everytime the owner put differents glasses in less of two minutes. I would like to have one of this animals like my pet, but would be ilegal and unnecessarily cruel.

I like this video because I love marine birds, specially penguins and ducks. This little and orphan penguin seems very happy in the moment when it sees a person making adorable noises and movements. An unusual and agreeable video. I would watch it every day to feel happy 

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015

My favorite gadget

Nowadays everyone depends of technology  because it makes us the life easier and comfortable, for me the computer is the most useful and complete. Because I can study, communicate with my friends and family, it entertains me when I play a videogame and additionally I can inform about the rest of the world. But sometimes it distracts me of my responsabilities and homeworks so I have to moderate my self

The computer that I daily use for about four hours in a lot of activities was given by my oldest brother three years ago, so I have care it a lot because is good and I'm not thinking to get other, besides I prefer desktop computer before laptop, for one simple reason: I hate touchpads

I remember that I have use computers all my life. When I was a kid I used a old computer to play the legendary smash bros with my brother and sometimes with my classmates, but now I try to give it a more important function orientated to my studies

I think that our life  without computers would be so bored and hard, but at the same time more productive because we won't have that annoying voice in the head telling us that we need to use one, and we could use all that wasted time studying and forging our talents, but sincerely is boring.

This would be my only and favorite gadget,  because I hate cellphones. They are uncomfortables and easy to mislay              .

martes, 29 de septiembre de 2015

A country I would like to visit


I would like to travel to Spain because I like its multiculturalism, its medieval things, people and costums.
Spain has a lot of tourist places well kwon like the Temple of Sagrada familia in Barcelona , besides it has a lot of forest and castles like the Almansa Castle that I excited to know.

In Spain I would like to participate in a nacional activity like tomatina celebrated in Valencia where people throws tomatoes each other, but I won't participate in the festival of sanfermin because I'm against the killing of bulls.
I like Spain but I don't wanna work there because the country has a high rate of unemployment, so I just would visit it for a few months with my family or friends.

Sincerely I don't know a lot of Spain so I dont know what continue writing, principally  I like its geography and people

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

Some opinions

What is my opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?

I complety agree with abortion only in some cases. Raped women should have the possibilty to choose between give birth or not. I hate ''christian'' people that is against with the abortion in theses cases, I convinced that if they have a raped daugther they will be thinking about it twice

What do I think about recycling?

Recygling is the best way to conserve our planet, avoid massive extinction of animals and changing climates. We should be able  to understand that the planet is not ours and we need to take conscience of  the consequences

What do I think about smarthphones?

They are useful in many ways until your knowledge depend on one of them, smarthphones make idiot people

What is my opinion about legalizing marijuana?

I really don't care, but if it is legalized should create laws about, how much, when and where is possible to consume marijuana

What do I think about fortune telling?
I'm very sceptical, I don't believe in fortune telling, ghosts, life after death including god. I think it make me courageous in real life

martes, 15 de septiembre de 2015

Who am I?

Jorge Muñoz Barrera

The Beginning
 It was a fair winter dawn on the 30th day of August when I was born with my brother in a little town near to Santiago, Melipilla known as The Shire for me and the rest of the hobbits, that I usually call my family...

I studied in two schools and I finished  the high school in 2013. I began to study civil engineering in Usach  but it was not what I expected. So this year I changed to study veterinary  medicine in Universidad  de Chile and I travel to Santiago (Mordor) everyday, because I really don't wanna let the beautiful place where I live, even if it is strenuous

And what else about me?

Well, I 'm a little shy and I don't have a lot of friends 'cause I prefer to watch a movie or read something interesting , hear music like Radiohead, even play a videogame before going out with my friends

I have two brothers. Juan Pablo, 8 years older than me and my twin brother called Ivan

Birds are my favorite animals, specially ducks and owls so I would like to specialize in this kind of creatures and being a good ornithologist. Also I like trees and forest,  cause I grew up in a place with all of this.